PVC Windows and doors

About the product
Why U-PVC Windows and Doors is more popular ?
Until 20 years ago over 50% of homes were fitted with aluminum frame windows. Now that figure has drastically changed. Over 50% are fitted with uPVC windows. So why has aluminum become so unpopular?

The reason lies with thermal resistance. uPVC windows increase energy efficiency in a home by increasing insulation. uPVC windows provide a good thermal barrier between inside and outside. In the winter uPVC windows with double glazing keep the cold out and the heat in; and in the winter, they keep out the heat and keep in the cool. By insulating your roof space and by installing uPVC windows and double glazing you can make big savings on your energy bills.
Aluminum on the other hand is a metal and a ready conductor that absorbs and gives out heat and cold very easily. Aluminum windows cost about the same as uPVC windows and both types cost less than good timber frame windows, and so it is not surprising that uPVC has taken the lion’s share of the market in windows
from 620 LE
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